Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Hummus Spinach Ricotta "paquetitos"

Looking for some recipes yesterday, I found a greek recipe called "Hummus Spinach Spanakopita" that looks pretty tasty...I had almost all the ingredients the recipe ask, so I just made my own version. At the bottom is the original recipe where you can compare ingredients :)

- Spinach 1 package
- 1 cup ricotta
- 1 cup hummus
- nutmeg 1/4 teaspoon
- salt 1/2 teaspoon
- pepper 1/4 teaspoon
- garlic powder 1/2 teaspoon (i used garlic powder because the recipe asked for garlic hummus, and I had the plain one)
- 1 tapa para pastelitos (small empanadas cover? you can fin them in latin markets)

Star chopping the spinach, and transfer to a bowl. Heat the oven at 350 degrees farenheits.

Add hummus, ricotta and all the spices....

Start filling the dough with a teaspoon

Brush the border of the dough with water, so it can stick together, join the ends in the middle and press all the sides.

I use a cupcake baking pan to keep the firm, but you can use just a regular baking sheet.

Bake for 20 minutes...and there you go! It tastes really yummy, I like is like an appetizer size, but i made a lot so with a nice salad, it was a healthy dinner!

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